Monday, January 19, 2009

2nd Genting Sempah ride

It was again another day of defying sleep but I don't feel deprieve until after the ride lah..

The meeting up was at 7.00am and I slept at 4.30am after the night ah yat dinner and lubbing at autumn. I woke up at 6.30...two hours of sleep.. how does that sound?

I wasn't really tired because the determination of breaking the old record last week was there. I thought I could clock something like 1:15 mins or less.. 

So the usual roadies and some new flers that join was damn ahead of us. I rode at my own pace with Koh slightly behind. As usual he just ride according to his own pace. So I tell myself if I would to set new record then the ride to the tower at 12km stretch I should shave the minutes before that. Because the last 4km upward to the top is tormenting shit. 

So it was a huff and puff ride and seems today there are less ppl coming here for riding. I wonder why. I managed to cut a few riders and some could be first timer here to kill themselves.. and of course they are veterans roadies which zoom pass you in split second. I wonder how do I fair in a roadbike anyway. 

However the over exert before that seems to backfire a bit and causing me to lose ground at certain flat area after the tower.This time my legs begin to take the sore and stiffness.. damn those lactic acids must be. I knew this is no good when I reach the top.. going down sure will begin to feel the soreness.  

Start at 7.35am and reach the bengkel at 8:55am.. That was a few minutes slightly better than the previous one but with crazy overkill which is no good. I employed a real disastrous strategy which now I learn. 

Anyway, there were lotsa Cervelo rider today. Must be the gang that meet up. One uncle in the roadbike actually leave Taman Melawati and reached Hospital orang Asli in just 25 mins. Damn and from Hospital orang asli way up is just 40mins. That's a total of 65 mins while for me MTB rider need 80 minutes to start from Hospital orang asli.. when we start riding, he was spending his 15 mins at home lepak or whatever from Taman Melawati. That is one awesome ride man!! 

My goal for Genting Sempah ride is to achieve Sub 60 and sub 50 mins.. That is lotsa dedication and hard work to do.. 

I realize in order for me to finish the plan ride before the half year runs out. There will need to be lotsa dedications and determination. Now that is a new challenge for me and its exciting!! 

Let's see how I fair..Time will tell.

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