Monday, December 27, 2010

Let's recall some memories

These are the medals at hand.. except for the 2009 PD tri.. the rest happen this year. Some races only got certs or due to the fact that I wasn't fast enuff to beat to get the limited medals.. hmm..there is one Broga medal which I feel I so righteously deserve is not here.. ah well..shit happen.. let it be let it be..
*This is my 3 half marathon ran this year. The first is being Setia eco run, which I did run well. Thanks to the rain as well. Then standard chartered which I suffered a stitch and came in 5 minutes later than the Setia record... prolly too much water and my fault for eating hearty porridge breakfast. Then the Penang marathon that I managed to change to half due to my hypertension. That was the walk run lah.. a lazy run indeed..
* This 3 will be memorable medals as I did this with my ex. Well, we did ran another two other races together that gave only cert.
Now the left medal is PD tri 2009 relay which I DNF at the swim due to bad flu.. then the next square one is the relay we done this year..
The two bronze medals are relay for Powerman which I did both the running leg and Lam cycle. Well, forever remember the second leg running under the hot scorching sun with Khoo the lethal boot camp sergeant "motivating" all the way. That was fun...

Yes!! I did my first virgin cycling century ride ever on 1st August. A really good one and will be forever remembered..Nice medal too
These are few of the grassroots run.. nice medals of all different shape.. Klang pacer's medal stand out to be fine crafted and beautiful indeed. and u got a momento of figurine instead of medal for the Nike 10km run.
This is hooha 5km which I thought I could run over to run this race after the Nike run.. but get over there oredi ppl almost finish the run.. and the goodie bag got the medal.. so nice lah as a 10.10.10 momento medal.. hehe..
This one.. this one is a beast... I ran 31km for this and really kaput after 7 hours. Did another 1km to keep Mr. Lam motivated.. so total should be 32km lah..Hehe..

This is a beast because I still am yet to recover after 16 days of walking like a cripple and cost me a bomb to see doctor. Well, I will definitely be back for revenge next year and wise up a little bit..

1 comment:

  1. sergeant? hahaha....

    Can just cut and paste your memories into mine. almost the same :)

    wish you a more successful 2011
