Saturday, February 28, 2009

Putrajaya Critical Mass - 270209

I was brainwashed by my bicycle seller lah.. not really his fault but partially also it is quite true lah. So I changed my bicycle crank to XT.. hmmm.. now maybe got a bit regret..should have change to SLX crank enough lor.. can safe RM200.00 that is a month a good solid massage!!! Heheheh...anyway, I am going to ride heavy duty for the months to come.. so compare to the time and effort gonna invest what is the big deal isn't it? Sometime go makan besar besar opulent style also cost RM100 PLUS.. once a year type la...normally around RM15 - RM35... Japanese buffet tak payah cakap lah.. 

Anyway, those days I got lah friends that come to PCM.. then two flers sometime off most of the time and another fler who swear by Heaven he gonna buy this lah.. buy THULE car's rack lah.. put 4 bicycles in his car and go mana mana ride lah.. now evaporise oredi.. !! anyway, that's is his pattern ler.. multi-level lifestyle living... like snake and ladder game.. quite flexible.. ahaha.. hope this round he got ladder up up lah and not snake down again.. :p 

So whatever it is .. I AM NOT ALONE...cheh wah.. like Will Smith oni.. So the time was brought earlier to 8.30 for the meetup and 9.00pm for the ride. I think everyone was quite prompt ler as compare to last time. only very little people are late. I was always late but this time I didn't go back home first lor.. so reached the palace of justice at 8.50pm. FUYOOH.. I am early babe.. what to do ..we people from Setapak ler.. sometime also people like us low level in the company one at time have to kerja or make make kerja lah..ahahah.. 

Anyway.. this time I was ready to mix and talk to the people around ler.. Eventhough I am huge, but my head is small and shy sometime..ahaha.. and in my field I sometime meet like 20 to 30 persons a day or more.. so I am not good at remembering names.. but lately I try lah very hard to remember it could improve I guess. So this time I actually talked to more than 20 peoples or more. So I was glad there are those that came the first time and I was able to talk to them lah.. One uncle I forget what name liao with the T-bolt.. then a couple who ride with KELOLO..then also one fler name Mahathir and his best friend name Pak Lah.. ok... the Pak Lah was a hoax..but Mahathir is real.. actually he could do a blog called IAMNOTCHEDET.CC ... that fler work in the foreign affair department one u know.. maybe he can help me to meet up with Kofi Annan.. mmm... no.. I think Maria Takagi or Maria Ozawa or any japanese pornstars lah.. anyway, remember Mahathir Lokman that newscaster fler.. wonder why he change name to Mahadzir lah? always remind me of khinzir khinzir oni.. :p 

So also talk to Azizan fler, flat..sorry i dint see u..bukan aje daif huruf..daif cam batang hidung gak.. then there was Syed Hamid Alba.. I advise him not to wear helmet so when the next door indians fler driving proton across the road shouting..when he got excited and wave back to them.. I slam my brake hard...and let him collide into me.. :p It was raining imagination becoming more vivid.. 

So there was this chinese fler lah name Khoo.. previously try to smile but damn cool only that fler.. maybe sometime we got the wrong signals of being arrogant..but I try lah to talk ..and it came out to be good and got to know him better.. anyway, those makan babi people very less in PCM... :p maybe Khoo dont eat babi for health reasons... :P 

There is once lah in my office, one malay customer ask my I dont get a Malay gf.. so I look at her for a very very long time... and show some regret face.. .make make one but so real!! " You tau kenapa tak?.... you really nak tak? " She was looking at I pause.. then I declared " Sebab gua SUKA MAKAN BAAAABIIII!!!" She laughed like hell oni lah that women!! 

and also seen the PERS flers and some gang flers who bought Merida bikes from Hee Hong. I have seen the PERS flers few times oredi in Hee Hong and I peep in you guys blog for a long time liao..ahaha.. I am watching you..ahaha..  

But haven't really seen indian flers lah...I was talking to my friends lah..riders all.. and realize that there are so little indians riding bicycle ...and in fact me peeping on malaysian avid riders who blog also got no indians.. Could you recall the early days or not...the 80's time..if you could lah..those day.. lotsa indians ride the roadies!!! What happen lah? Aperi? Yingge? Paca Tani onek!! Johnnie Walker.. I'm a disco dancer!

Yea..and benggali and modern singh also I haven't seen lah..  maybe one day the singh flers all who are famous with the bagpipe could form a group like the Holland's group crescendo where they ride bicyle and play the band.. Check them out real cool :- 

Yea.. maybe we can ask Dato' David Arumugam of Alleycats to be our spokesman just like what he did for Proton.. yes.. ini Santa Cruz boleh hang 10 durians at the RD.. then we got indians fler turning up lah. 

So eventually Daoh came lah.. the very Mr. Gatekeeper came late. I think there must be something cooking up as I knew he is a responsible fler.. but I do notice his tiring face. I was saying to him" wow..u look tired man." Hmm...he didn't look quite right.. there has been some paradigm shift in that fler face. 

*  WOW... can u imagine.. I got a message from Facebook..and u know what!!! My Primary school teacher adding me man.. can't imagine Facebook is more effective collectively than Jejak Kasih.

The ride did went on smoothly and the the 3 pit stops area was group for everyone to regroup..then ler..after Alamanda.. the usual up and down the slope lah.. So there was this lady with his toddler and she was riding easy..must be season riders ler.. and the toddlers so cool only ... cool man..real cool... I can hardly carried my stomach! :P 

Then there was this kid terror woi.. kid killed the energizer bunny anytime!! Sure do!! But when towards the last part to PICC that fler need assistant a bit lah..pancit liao..but man.. 20km for a dude like that.. GOOD ler..

Then then then.. the unexpected happen lah. There was of course lotsa people opposite the other road giving moral support lah.. cheering and all that.. again.. there was one particular car where was doing it quite loud and virtually caught our attention.. Making us overzealous abit, and Pak Adib crashed into a lady...aiya..what name liao...but she was cool..she still handle her bike well... Clash of the titans..I saw it in my own eyes..that was like 15 feets away from me... as I am on the far left.. 

So it was a suprise ler..and he got some blood on his right hand area.. Dont be a pussy Pak Adib..fight like a man..yea..wake up...fight like a man!! I told that to Pak Adib u know.. actually it was just my imagination again..the rain is still heavy outside...but he is OK lah.. 

As I was riding lah..due to PCM ride is more of a casual ride and fun ride.. so riding at 15km/h trigger you to think lotsa thing.. I was imagining those day the Jepun Banzai came to our country and most of them rode bicycle.. I wonder what brand of bicycle they use? What crankset? How many gigi? Does their steel bike got stolen? * sob sob.. I still cant get off my head my stolen bike..there was this fler who had the grey matt Merida.. it's coming back again ... even we are just together less than a month. dO the Jepun practise riding before they came in a lightning speed? Why Sarjan Hassan didn't use bicycle in that movie.. * Lu ada main radio ka? The Jepun must have been mutate from Norturnal species.. they don't crash to each other at night even without the blink blink. I know what Sarjan Hassan didn't ride bicycle liao.. because he had enuff when he was the PENARIK BECA in early day.. :p 

So what do you guys think lah when you are riding? Some might think next stop ciggie.. U realize or not last time the PCM ppl got smokers but they tahan!!! Until one time my friend start first lah..then less than 5 minutes the asap chimney coming all over...ahaha.. 

Some might think wanna go back and screw their wife oredi.. luckily the ride is not malam Jumaat lah..:p 

Then at last the ride finish with photos being taken lah in front of the Palace of Justice.. Next time we all bring hammers and parangs...after shoot photos .. We shout" KASI PECAAAAHH!!!" 

and bring the Palace of Justice down.. Ok lor...the rain almost stop lor.. the story also stop lor.. 

Oh.. my heartfelt sorry to Mr. Daoh and his wife for his loss. Hope they will be strong!! 

Even yesterday the bad news happen, he still felt responsible to come to PCM. These are a few good men. I salute you ler!! 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank him and the people that make sacrifices and efforts for PCM. PCM is the first bicycle group riding that I joined. I still remembered Mr. Daoh was welcoming me when I first join in for the first time and make me feel at home. He really have a good passion and intention to promote a good cycling community.. That also they did it out good charitable good deeds!! 

Anyway, a week ago I think I was asking Mr. Daoh where is the new map for PCM ler.. then Mr. Daoh also express that he could be a bit overwhelm ler.. and sometime eventhough its just a simple gathering like this.. it was not easy.. I also asked him to reach out and asked for help if he felt overwhelm.. I think the PCMers are more than grateful to help mah.. 

So lets help each other ler and whatever that is possible and yesterday the donation for Gaza was a good effort from the PCMers. .I praise everyone for that!! 


  1. You know what Boon...
    You made me cry la.

    Me and my wife enjoyed your post. Yours the best of all.

    Kirim salam sama Mahathir and his friend, Pak Lah. :P


  2. This is good. Thought I was reading Patrick Teoh Niamah.

    I was the one who smoke while riding. Ha Ha Ha.


  3. Boon ah,
    Aiya, lu kong amik ha. Wa pun bey hiaw. Wa ay thia hokkien ma, tampok-tampok nia.

    But wa like lu ay writing la coz gua pun jadi siau gile bila baca lu ay tulisan.

  4. Boon

    hahaha...very funny loh...Anyway nice to meet u:-)

  5. hmm...who is Man CIOCC and azizan fixie? erm... are u guys the same ppl? dont confuse me ler.. :p...

    anyway, hokkien lang..wah..where you learn hokkien ah? Terror,that loghat like ppl season talker oni.. ehehe..

    Gazali : Patrick Teoh Niamah is sifu category.. Wish I could entice his imagination..

    Daoh : Please be more gentle.. laugh softly...WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!

  6. Ah Boon

    Bo tiok. Men si sama ay lang...Hehe...

  7. Haloo Lengchai,

    I'm the lady loh...with the toddler maa..I'm also sleeping partner to Kelolo..The toddler is Kelolo Jr ver 6.0 and the pancit liao is Kelolo Jr ver 5.0 and the last to donate for Gaza is Kelolo Jr ver 4.0

    Your posting also cool..njoy reading it..see you next time with more Jrs.

  8. Boon:-

    again.. there was one particular car where was doing it quite loud and virtually caught our attention.. Making us overzealous abit, and Pak Adib crashed into a lady...aiya..what name liao...but she was cool..she still handle her bike well... Clash of the titans..I saw it in my own eyes..that was like 15 feets away from me... as I am on the far left..

    -nama budak perempuan tu Aliff Muhammad Noor :)
