Thursday, February 5, 2009

age smartly.. ride smart..

My mind is aging faster than I thought. So lotsa practising is needed.. The whole physiology of a man after 30 is very very conscious.. The good news is we can fight back and of course with much efforts... sleep early.. :p ... eat healthily... :p.. Exercises.....emotional stability to name a few. 

Now my current situation is seems to be a huge setback lah. But I could not get recover as fast as possible as compare to when I was young.. I need to work at pace.. 

So the heart rate monitor came into the scene to help me from overload myself too much and prone to injury. 

Recently, I find that the Karvonen method of exercise in the target zone to be quite effective. 

Should you wanna be at the 70% of the aerobic exercise zone :- 

(Your heart rate - rest beat per minute heart rate) * 0.7 + rest beat per minute heart rate

Right now I am targeting at zone 130 - 150 BPM for fat burning and also aerobic zone. 

So keeping score is kinda tedious but its important should you need to work a consistent plan on your progress.

Below are the data i kept for today ride :- 

DATE                                                  :           05/02/09         

TIME                                                   :           60:36

TGT HRT                                            :           131 – 150

TIME ON TGT ZONE                        :           31.44

RECOVERY AFTR 1 MIN                 :             14     

AVG HRT RATE                                 :           128

PEAK HRT RATE                               :           154

MIN HRT RATE                                 :             94

CALORIES BURN                             :         1194

TRIP DISTANCE - KM                      :           21.10                                   

AVG. SPEED                                      :           20.89

MAX. SPEED                                     :           35.55


Well, over a long period of time,  these data should prove something if you desire progress.

I do not want to hurt myself and strain too much and these day recovery rate took a longer period of time. Should you want a better comeback to workout..heart rate monitor do play a big role in improvising..after all we depend on the heart to beep.. 

Now the cadence part is missing of course. It should be up and running after I get to the next level of fitness. 

So as to achieve my goals for the few target ride. All this are crucial for the aim. Hope it could be of good use. 

I shall share the progress by end of the month. 

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