Monday, September 15, 2008

Tip of the iceberg in world financial crisis..or is it?

Lehman bros. file for bankruptcy.

Merill Lynch was sold to Bank of America.

Hmm.. we all read about the legacy of the above for the past decades. Something has not been compassing well in corporate America.

The giant are taken a slow tumble this time, until the last few feets of tumbles that confuse the world.

AIG concerns is not new after all. I had the news from my friend regarding the consolidation and fear in the AIG group eversince they making all the big chunk of losses as of last years the most amazingly worst ever.

Can the Fed of America suffer all the blows of rescuing them.

These is no good.. It was sneezing and contagious.

The brits will face more recessions in the few months to come as if that is a guaranteed already. So God save the Queen and perhaps its people as well.

It is radical to say all are just a minor hiccups and the transitions will hurt a little.. Not true. I think its gonna hurt a lot this time.

For me these few giants , perhaps more to come, are pillars and like rivers that stream all the living creatures in the financial world. Now, with tonnes of creditors that shook itself in hope for stronger credits.. suddenly, they have been letting out of the water as of the Tsunami wave repercussions.

We will see sprouts of woes and domino effects in the next weeks or month. All these info has been embbedded in the figures for the past one year or so.. Now it is translated into written world.

Unfortunately, these day ppl are so colourblind to see the red figures in other side of the account until the niagara falls hit them so hard.

It would be very very interesting weeks ahead. Alan Greenspan might be speechless...

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I lost quite a bit of money as well that I had in unit trust funds. Oh well.
