Sunday, January 31, 2010

K Lunch @ Neway

Shaw Yi went hysterical today in Karaoke room.

I sang BeeGees Stayin' Alive for 4 minutes..and she rolled over and laugh for 4 minutes...

That's what makes BeeGee a legend isnt it?

Friday, January 22, 2010


jUST got MyKad..yea... after so long.. and getting the card after Friday prayer something is not really a good advise....

So now I can finally open a new bank account.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


It's in my head..

Trying to get myself into some resourceful state..

It shouldn't be long I hope..

Kuching Rendezvous

* This is Khek.. one of our company client. Having breakfast at his parent shop.. this shop has its legacy..and her mum serve one of the best roti kiap.. haven't tasted such fine food for so long oredi..ichiban!!
* This is probably the oldest safe i have ever witness so far. You need to key to unlock it.. Damn bohemian stuff man..
8 * Damn classic hotel.. guarantee no fungus...fungus already died.
the center white shop is Khek's family shop.. if you go to Chinatown in Kuching.. You will not miss it!!

MAFIA car..

I bet Don Corleone would like to drive a Malaysian Japanese Car now..

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New Balance 10km run @ Padang Merbok.. 17.01.10

This is me and Shaw Yi first medal of the year from New Balance 10km run. It was a first 10km finishing run for her and she did well!!

However the sponsor paper bag sucks big time....a bit only dah rosak..

Wah...specially made Birthday cake from Alicia

* This is the special Birthday cake made by Cik Alicia for me ler.. *sob *sob... so touching..thank you so much yea.. and the texture is not bad too.. just that the nuts need to improve.. overall very nice flurry spongy cake..not too sweet and delicate.. Arigato.. See lah I belanja u mee maggi asam laksa special for ur birthday.. :p
* CSS is trying to impersonate somelike lookalike.. ahaha..that fler got a new S40 man.. its a auto gear box.. he used to swear auto gear

Monday, January 18, 2010

Steamboat @ Hao Hao Seri Petaling with few old schoolmates

* Few schoolmates gathering.. how have it been at after 30's these day. what it gonna be like when we hit 40s? ahaha..definitely Ragu our teacher had white hair.. sign of wisdom!

Kuching - raining cats and dogs

Extremely bad turbulence in flight. The rain was heavy and keep on washing the glass window of the airplane. First time in my life seeing such a beautiful wash and sort of the wiper screen that's all. It was that heavy.

What a thick cloud that is hovering the sky here.

After dinner with our agent here.. I waited until 10.30..and the rain subside.. and I majestically headed out... after 10 minutes of run... ooo... something happen.. it start pouring again. kanasai!!

Set the alarm at 7am.. woke up and kanasai.. it rain badly than yesterday nite.. sigh..

it was not until 9am only the sun came out to greet us.

Hopefully it wont rain in the evening ler..Need to train for Putrajaya run...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

This year Powerman target

I am going to start training for the Powerman in November.

Target is 4:00 hours...

2 hours run and 2 hours cycling...

Now think of how to effectively train for it.

This is one of the important highlight of the year.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Birthday

I am sorry to those I had sent bombardment of smsess today.. I just cant resist what Maxis have to offer.

So thanks for everyone who wishes me on my Birthday.. Thank you so much..

Today no big huha lah...

After work just played badminton.. not bedminton today..

So before the game.. Shaw Yi actually bought me a Birthday cake.

its a small mouse cake.. but I tell you it is super delicious!!! the Mango flavor is ichiban!!!

Thanks dear for the cake!!!

Also movie tickets to watch Woohoo! this Saturday with her.. That is so sweet of her!!

Thanks babe!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Maxis birthday treat..

fRee smses to local local maxis all day FOR ME!!..

how can i resist you@@!!~!

Sunday New Balance 10km run

Went for trial run for this Sunday 10km run.. being paranoid.. chew a powerbar...ahahaha...

The route is not as bad as the Malakoff run me lah..

so ran and walked for fun.. nice place to jog anyway..

finish is 1:17 minutes...

damn kau slow.. hope sunday can clock 1:16...:p

Our Deepest Fear


Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear
is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness,
that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous?
Actually who are we not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small doesn't serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people
won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine as children do.
We were born to make manifest
the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And when we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.

- Marianne Williamson

In all the recent uproaring of religious to be right...

I remembered an incident in that late afternoon where my boss' daughter asked me whether do I have any cross or Christianity symbol in the car.. So my lady boss advise me to take it down... well nothing wrong with that as she is also concern for my safety. Later we found out it was rumours lah..

In such case, I think I am very absolutely sure I will not take down any cross from my car even if I have it. You don't abandon your faith or conviction. We do not deny Jesus..who are you when the Lord help us in the time of trouble and lead us through tough time. The same Lord we called Him master and we worship wholeheartedly.. and deny Him in time of tribulations.

The shame is the end like Peter with the ayam kukukoo three times.

Assuredly I sure to you, I will not deny Christ so do doubt I will not take away anything from my car.

Today horoscope say wor

Saturn is your planet, and it will be sitting in your career sector for some time now. Your special talent for making order out of chaos and sense out of the insensible is about to flower. Your perspective and ability to weigh facts, data and options can help you reach your ambitions now. As long as you let yourself see another's point of view, you can almost always come up with the win-win solution for any problem now. This next 30 months or so could be a time of tremendous achievement for you.

Was reading the horoscope just...ahem..felt so intimate like that.. hope it is true..

If we can't find a way.. we will make a way!! :p

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Power of Apple Cider Vinegar

I kept a bottle of ACV in the office.

These few days been quite tired ler.. Been jaming up my brain with load of works to do..

Then I taruk sikit to drink just now..

Wow... it sure is the mother of life man...

Felt so good and awake now..

Can continue to work!!

Try lah.. you will sure like it...

What a surprise from Maxis..

Got an birthday gift from Maxis early in the morning. What a surprise!

Unfortunately I dont adhere to that kind of craze anymore.. else lots of people gonna suffer..hehe..

Thanks to those for early wishes ....

All I want for Christmas is way..

I haven't been taking care of my teeth for a long time..

My teeth is brown and lotsa stain.. People thought I am a season smoker.. yucks..

So am going to counter this issues now..

So got myself a motion toothbrush.. those day it cost RM75.00 for one.. wow!!

Got myself Colgate advanced whitening toothpaste..

The whitening gel I got it long time ago.. just lazy to apply..

So gonna get down to it.. and see dentist before CNY..

Well... begin to realize what aging is all about these day.. at least slowing it down is the least we can do... :p

Beware of SMS services - Mexcomm SMS

Since last month I was surprise that my phone was bar within days. I was curious as I had not make much call with my personal line. Then this month only I realize I did subcribe to a sms service. It was a one time download of submarine tone which the bloody tone never reaches me!!

And worst of all it keep on billing and billing... Last month billing was almost rm60 and this month is RM 72.20.. the worst part the billing keep coming without me having receive any sms from them.

Wasted hundred over ringgit down the drain..

So next time when you subscribe to any sms services.. Please make sure you know in details and also take great precaution of any scam.

So this month onwards I change to e-billing which the pdf file could be seen in one glance. Safe some tree and some money as well.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

In the name of God - the symbols and label saith it all

This is rather interesting which I found out today that Metro Tabernacle was burnt due to current name of God issue.

Rest assuredly, Atheist will have another dimension to secure their faith and disbelieve again.. :p

Well, I had been to Metro Tabernacle for awhile and Pastor Ong is one of the breed of pastor who is lovingly fearing God and diplomatically righteous IMHO.

So it does relate to me for awhile..

So how much has it turn political all this while all the issues in our country yea. Yup, sometime or paradoxically surprise that your are born this race as to this religion. The dogma of fear was inculcate to you if you choose the other route instead. So as we see it how ruling party has transcend it influence across the country that we are to stand up in the name of God. The religious entity has its own interpretations towards the name of God.

What is embedded here is the lust for the name of God and the having the rights to deny others the label that is so powerful that itself was to be worship.

Religion between Islam and Christianity does a decent historic resemblance like it or not. If you chew it on the facts and data .. both does sprung forth certain amount of geographically boundary and few thousand years of head logging history.

Some choose to be mutualize.. some believe God is sovereign and such facts of omnipotent which leads them to believe.. " YOU CANT TOUCH THIS!" ...

Some just choose to ignore.

We are a ambitious nations which we stand on an invisible platform shouting we are one Malaysia. Day in day out we propaganda and let media rulez us simply our tidak apa attitude mingle a lot with our fears.

Dont do that it lah.. nanti kena tangkap... wei..dont blog oredi.. nanti ISA.

So a developing nations unceasingly allow itself to fall backward into the tiny ingenious thought which we got nothing better to do. We are a greedy nations as well ...priding in less works and abuse the resources that we have. As a result the intellectual property of the brain cease to change and take form in the stagnant water of dead sea. Full of salts, keep afloat and nothing alive in it.

In the olden days, the Jews had sure reverent for God. They are so awe in God's presence that the name YAHWEH only written is YHWH.

So what is this huha about the name of God....

There is two things that till this day I am ashamed of my muslim brothers and sisters in this country Malaysia.

First, it is the after Friday prayer. Cars piled up till sempit sempit and yes i could tolerate that because it is an important ritual to gather and pray on Friday. After all it is only few hours.However, some rotten eggs are so inconsiderate that left the traffic become so inconvenient. I could only take a deep breath and hope that my muslims brothers could be more empathetic to other roads users as well..

Yet, what ultimately I could not understand is the month of Ramadhan.. I was told that this holy month of fasting is important to remember the poor. Yet, most already think about food before the open fast time arrive. I am in doubt the point of such fasting anyway.

Forgive me for being rude for I seek to understand the general public of muslim in our country during fasting month.. Even I also feel uneasy.. Ain't you guys suppose to take this month to remember the poor? So eat frugally and perform more charitable works.

Well, this is just my two cents opinions anyway.

Sometime facing the music is tough but at time not being to be right does take us further.

Have you ever sometime thought that.. As a Christian, what happen if I die.. and the true God is Muslim God.. so hell I go.. or as a Muslim, what happen if I die..and the true God is the Trinity.. Hell I go... Hehehe.. people are paranoid of hell ...

only Botak Chin so far as we heard who walk himself towards the tali gantung.. while the others pee and need to be drag to face the death..

Perhaps this once upon a Robin Hood does have the answer who has the right to own the name of God.

Blame it on Babel

I haven't been ranting much about other things in my blog lately. Only my love life and blah blah stuff.. those stuff private life which sooth the eyes.. ahaha.. this fler is up to this and that..

Now of late, which the New Year begin with a rather challenging topics in Malaysia. Yes...what is 1Malaysia.. the sometime seems narcissistic Dr. M still believe his Malaysia Boleh is still superior then Najib 1Malaysia. I can't understand the understatement so far. Najib to me is one hellavu hamsap fler.. nothing to relate to the late Mongolian actually. When I was a small kids and how we are so proud of Malaysian swimmer NurulHuda Abdullah..and SEA Games huha and all that.. Our Najib fler is the sports minister that time lah.. Then Ms. Nurul was the sportswomen of the year. So TV3 was showing the presentation of awards by Najib to Ms. Nurul. OMG!! You should see hamsap eyes and face and how he touches Nurul hand.. Even she was not short of being embarrass. So that nuthead sell himself short from that moments onwards. No punchline..

I think his wife is more stylo and own characters then he is!! She sure do get the job done!! Compare lah Siti Hasmah, Jeanne Abdullah or the late Endon.. with our now first lady..which one is more robust and rise above the top? When Najib and his wife in the paper.. which one does have more appeal? Now see what I mean?

At least I still remember how nyenyak our Pak Lah slept during official meeting or ceremony. If you put his photos and the pics of infant baby Jesus sleeping.. I am sure God would want a more dramatic virgin birth. Pak Lah beat infant Jesus in terms of sleeping gently to the ground man...

hey, i actually I want to talk about the issues on the terms Allah in this beautiful land.. and also the jet engine thingy.. I am tired already..

To be continue..

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Readjusting my body

* Reducing sugar and rice and finally cutting it off really disturb me mentally and the body is constantly adjusting itself.

However this morning there is the first level of breakthrough. The migraine is gone and the lo-mo is out of the window.

Yup..the engine kickstart and the fuel is back to normal as before.

So hell week coming up.. I expect tremendously good result before CNY.

One of the sure fire up of 6 packs is of course movie soldier by Kurt Russell. That is damn cun man.. that is everyman dream I presume.

Previously some people ask how do I get down from 115kgs - 93kgs in such a short time. Well, at 93kgs I got stagnant for awhile before going down to 88kgs. In the process I am into such unhealthy regime such as under nutritions and lose of muscles. However I would like to share some thoughts here.

1. As most of the exercise I did was more concentrated on lower body. I developed thigh and legs muscles a lot via cycling. Yes, I rode Genting Sempah and upward training is sure good. So I am very much happy with the shape of my thighs.

2. In order to increase burning of fats. I took L-carnitine in liquid form. I do find it decrease soreness in muscles and help burn fat in the process. I am not sure how effective it is but I am sure it does help a lot. Second, EnduroxR4 does help me overcome after sports fatigue and help recovery fast when doing an esxtended period of exercise.

3. Water.. keep yourself hydrated especially such a tropical country like ours... During that period, I have no choice because I literally flood the whole areas that I step into...

4. There is a wonderful discovery about Natural Hygiene ...BOOKS like FIT for Life... but you will lose more if you go into the alkaline diet. Alkaline diet is one hellavu diet what is surely take you to the moon and no diseases will come near. So no sugar.. no rice and very minimum of cook food. That time I didn't follow 100% but I sleep less.. I was so alert and damn my skin texture is so smooth that I could not believe myself. It is like baby skin... :p Basically if you take away acidic stuff.. you will definitely see changes within a week. I took half lemon in the morning and half at night squeeze into water. I stop taking sports drink altogether. That sugar does kills.

5. Clarity of goals and definement of it. You got to be hungry and be damn positive about achieving it. It becomes a religion. I weight twice a day.. yea.. i know that was damn paranoid but it does the job. Sometime during lunch time I went home and crank on my stationery cycle for an hour. Well, maybe we havent been there yet but seeing testing the water and watching the results and the body starts to change it form is sure rewarding and sometime these curiosity of working and not working also set the milestones to let us become smarter.

6. One thing that I deprive off is sleep. It is a huge mistakes. We need adequate for sure. Use to I sleep 5 hours and 5 and half the max. Now I am being very nice to myself. Sleep between 6 -7 hours.. Take into account resting is also your exercise regime as well. Recovery and balancing of metabolism happens here.

7. Interval training and be creative. Well, don't just do the same shit over and over again. Unless you are those born rigid persons who sworn above the army code. be all you can be. I got nothing to say. Do something different. Monday running.. tuesday swimming.. wednes weight.. yup.. that will make you more happy and looking forward for the workout.

8. Eat small portions for meal and increase meal intake. I find this super effective when I learn about some consistent athletes are doing the same. So there is not just big portion of breakfast, medium lunch and little or no dinner. I split it into 5 -6 meals a day with small little portions. Like that I wont be super craving. For example, this morning I have an apple and few strawberries. Lunch at 1.30 for salad.. late lunch snack of little little rice and fish and vege by 3.30 pm. Hellavu good feeling even more productive in the process. So there is no guilt trip.

9. Be positive. Smile and rub in into others. You are going to get there anyway. Why don't you be nice to yourself and others around you.

10. Sleep early and wake up early.

11. I do think and cardio and interval resistant training does work hand in hand. The higher fuel you tekan ..the faster it goes..I think that apply to me. Well. . how well your body recovery and making the adjustment after that count.

I will update my weight by end of this week... looking forward to 10km run next week... voila..

5th day of 2010

There are few things that I am happy about in 2010.

I had improved on my punctuality and also hygiene and cleanliness. It was nothing to shout about as it there are still some milestone to improve. However, I took the efforts and the stepping stones.

Yet, there are few things that I am seeking to improve :-

Yup, to be more productive and achieve more in less. So wanted to cut off unnecessary waste of time during productive hours. Seeing way at distorting it.

Despite how busy I am I will need to commit myself daily two hours to read. Maybe going back into night classes after sometime. Still in the planning stages.

There is some improvement ever since the gauntlet is thrown. But a more strategics plan to achieve the weight and then head on to six packs must be done in less possible time.

I think I will need to manage a very crucial set of time for this. It got to be personal and sacred too. So I want to achieve the 8 medals targets with dear dear. Also the epics ride that had been set to ride.

Have gotta gazette a decent amount of time and to divide priorities between my contractual works and my own businesses now. I need to be more focus to generate the income to build a family of my own and things I want long to do soon.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Hey baiyah.. all izz well!!

* I was longing to watch some nice movies which was not just for sheer pleasure. I could remembered the last movies that give a good impact was The curious case of Benjamin Button.

So while was not entice by the title of this movie. 3 idiots had won acclaimed all over and I decide I must watch this. Rating at 5 full stars does deserve some attentions.

Ooo... its a Bollywood movie. So I told Shaw Yi I wanted to watch this movie with her. I guess she will love it lah. We wanted to catch the 6pm at MidValley yesterday and it hardly any seats left.. so we thought of postponing it next week. But today raindrop began at 4pm and impromptu decided to give this movie a go. .while mid valley was snatched up without any seats left!!

So there is show at Capsquare TGV lah. So we booked and I rushed over to get the tickets first. hmm.. not too bad the seat anyway.

The film runs for 2 hours and 50 mins. Any big bollywood or standard one will run no less than 2 hours plus. Of course, you get a big pacts of dancing and singing for at least 15 mins or more lah. This cannot escape punya.

This is my first time to capsquare too. Nice ambience and trying to create a class of its own amidst the uplifting images it is striving for nearing to Lebuh Ampang area. It had good fine dining and clubbing places.

So we reached about 20 mins before that. OMG.. there were loads of countrymen all over. You could hardly see such gathering in a cinemas filled with countrymen dude... we are not talking about khalsa gathering some religious ritual here. Make no mistake.. its totally hindustani air around the corner and 3rd floor of the building. No.. not even a single chinese except us. Even the managers to the frontdesk of this cinemas are all indians too. ahaha.. so only two chinese Joe and Nancy came for this movie lah.. We observe somemore. Tarak ...all really countries man.. while some could inherit the physics size from their gurkha soldier father.. and some women still succumb to ghee to daily intake : its written all over the michelin tyres of their bodies. Modern singh of the younger generations are bringing their turban singh father to the movie as well.. Too bad they dont serve popcorn with cow's milk.. else that will be perfect evening for this turban singhs before they headed for their big big red eyes minum session.

So as we passed the tickets to the conductors..he was asking us.. you all came here for the movie.. yes we answer..and he smiled.. and said enjoy the movie.

The modern singh that sat next to us must has had his ball squeeze so hard that his eyes popped out.. seeing to chinese flers that could be walking into the wrong cinemas...

Nehi... my modern singh.. you really kuchi nehi!!

I came here to watched 3 idiots.. we are not the two idiots.

I know how to speak hindi...

"Meh tumseh.. pyar ke tahu"

It was nice movie. The cameraman done a superb jobs for the first 2 hours. You will spoil yourself with laughters and joy as you watch this movie. Not to the extend that burst into maddog type..but enuff to chuckle away your sanity while breaking away your routine fixation score in laugh if you happen to keep one all this while.

I cried most of the time watching bollywood movie. There were some that makes me keep on shedding tears.

I knew my gf will cried lah.. but I never thought she cried few times and keep on wiping the tears away.. I cried at one scene lah.. ahaha..

Babybusters and generations X will definitely recall some college or school day unison in this movie. It was something you could link to if you are not born with the silver spoon in your mouth since birth lah.

It is vital for children to freely decide what their future will be.. I mean in the right path of course.

I remembered once I was de-motivated by my dad. There were this fish pond in my house.Rather big .. you could do a recent sunbath in it... its about 3 feets deep and lotsa carps in it. So one day I tie a motor to a Styrofoam to make a small mini motorize boat.. cutting off erasers to make the propellers for the boat. It didn't work quite well and it I wonder why does the mini keep circling in circle only.

Then my dad came ..I thought he is going to make some good remarks..but in returns get some very hurtful remarks from him as a child.. well, we stayed in a two storey if i got 7 1/2 minutes to think whether to jump down also no use. It will only get me some broken bones lah.. and more scolding I guess.

Go watch this movie and you will be delighted. While these day bollywood movies does taste like a little bit of commercial oredi.. this one definitely will give you something to ponder about.

India will be a superpower someday. The people and the government need to be in one voice to decide..

The new gauntlet was thrown..

* I redo this new set for myself and one for my gf.. this is to keep track of our progress until CNY. So serious like rocket science.
* Shaw Yi is being very diligent and creative in the process for us to keep our progress. She is kind of conscious on planning and timeline thingy. So this is a simple small planner book which was kept in my car so that we could keep track of our activities and progress as well. It is a very nice simple book which keep us in tune together for certain activities.

" Dear, what u hate to eat most?" Shaw Yi asked.
" Erm.. I dunno..erm.. well...blah blah blah... " I said. " What is it all about?" I asked
" Its for out weight loss program." she said...
" Its not going to work for me. I can tahan anything.." I said
" No dear. Its not what you think.." she said..

OO... interesting.. she came up with an idea for us to lose weight at certain target time.

If the intended target was not meet..then the partner had to suffer by eating stuff that he or she hates to eat.

Shaw Yi hates : half cooked still with filthy blood siham, raw stuff like sushi salmon etc. * (looks sumptuous to me!!)
Boon hates : Pig liver..

So the deadline is due on February 14th which is the Chinese New Year!!

In the case if I failed to reach the intended results.. she will have to eat one bowl of siham or sushi salmon..* come think of that, maybe it's a good thing also..she can learn to eat those raw stuff..then can eat sushi with me!! Just kidding dear.

Well, if she failed to hit the target.. then I will have to eat pig liver lah...

Why don't we eat something like reptiles, eggnogs, dog meat, ...that will make sure we eat vege and run 5 miles a day for the next 40 days!!

hmm.. yet this is a good plan.. maybe she get the ideas from watching Wah Lai Toi. You know the evil general wanted to dethrone the king.. wanna ask the king where is the dragons skeletons in order to succeed the kingdom.. so as usual, you cannot waste the king.. he is righteous to death.. but when you tried to laid your hand on the queen..then the king will begged for mercy then later gave in lah...

that is what you watched on tv.. maybe in real life..the king smile ferociously cunning in his heart.." Finally someone is here to do the job for me..hehehe"

Hmmm... before I get indecent comments in the car.. I better stop here. Huhuhu..

Well, this is our intended target :-

Me : 83kgs
Yi : 55kgs
deadline : 14th Februry 2010
Penalty : Eat tak boleh tahan punya barang
Rewards: Buy couple shirts to wear

Me : 93kgs
Yi : 60kgs
Deadline : 17th January 2010
Rewards : to make special nutritious food for each other if target hit

Me : 88kgs
Yi : 58kgs
Deadline : 31st January 2010
Rewards : buy sportswear

Such ingenious scheme my gf have. Banyak terror punya ahmoi.. But it should be real fun.
Of course on 17th January will be our 10KM NB run as well. I am all gearing up towards that.
So in order for me to achieve 93kgs. I will :-

1. wake up and 5am and perform religiously cycling indoor or outdoor for one hours.
2. Start work from 7am onwards and try to cabut by 3pm.. if possible lah..ahaha..
3. No rice, no sugar, lean meat and loads of water and nutritions.
4. Positive mental attitude.
5. Plenty of rest. mininum 6 - 7 hours a day.
6. Ride First epic ride.

Medal Target
We set to achieve 8 medals this year together. Well, there are couple of run in the pipeline. Actually I do hope ultimately she would join this year Powerman with me together.. hmmm.. how to persuade her to ride bicycle leh? ahahaha... don't want to takutkan dia lah...hehe..sayang mah..

Yet, I do hope we could finish at least some half marathons run this year! She is a tough women and I hope we could achieve it together. Already this morning she was running with her sister jor.

2009 my blog was tasteless. Yea, this year I promise myself to put efforts into blogging. So more pictures and stories coming up... It is also a year which I wanted to achieve more!! I want to get the best out of me and when I do my recap end of the year...I should be real darn proud of myself and of course my gal will be real proud of herself too!!

So I wish everyone a Happy and fruitful new year despite all the soothsayer proclaim infamy time ahead. You decide your destiny!! You work hard and strive hard for your excellence.. yet, remember not to lose your joy and happiness and your values that is important to you and those around you.

Have a wonderful 2010 and God Bless!!!!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

BRoga HiLL jalan Jalan

* This is where we stop our journey.. my gf first hill walk.. we dint make it to the top as she was bargaining with her guts and her guts told her.. Ar well.. maybe in the near future... :p ...
* Look at that fat ugly double chin man!!
* we Came down at cross junction between the palm oil estate and on the way up to Broga Hill.. she was quite cute lah facing those steeping steps when coming down.. ahahah.. well... perhaps we should start with gasing hill first..
* So we were trying to do jump jump lah.. looking at the timer signal is not an easy task..
* are u ready? very enthusiastic mah
* I got this pic approved from FINAS.. not an easy route :p
* FINAS wants me to label this as 21PG before releasing it.. judge for urself..
* tHIS is the ladang sawit lah..
* sO without wasting time we went to the sek datuk.. next to it is a new development.. building some nice place for sure.. not open to public yet.. but damn nice jor..
* Asia Biggest loser poster!! :p
* wANT to do the camera trick thingy.. but not enuff people to help ler.. ahaha
* doing the hilarious jump again... not too tall .takut jatuh mah..
* dint drink ribena or livita...
* i TELl U AR.. u dont bring me to go panjat panjat bukit anymore.. i am not born in the year of monkey ok...
* She was praying for prince charming!!
* Then prince charming suddenly appeaR! Jia beh liao!!
* We love the nature. wE are nature love. Please dont use plastic bag. Recycle your toilet paper!
* When a perogol yang comel was thoroughly taken advantage and rape by a women to express her intention to take photos oni..
* Here NO DBKL.. no saman one..
* Hiding from DBKL after being spotted.. Damn!!
* wHich head is bigger?
* camwhore ..
* camwhore kaw kaw post..
* tHIS ONE suppose to be her hand peluk my waist one..then when the timer up to cheecak.. her hand position also tukar.. she try to switch role for this time..
see how we desperate for money or not? who dont? hehehe
* The elephant is saying... why are u playing with my trunk??!!
* 17TEEN wanna be!!
* i LIKe this a lot..
* gonna to fly off very soon.. uhuhuhuh..

Baby on board..

Snap this photo near Pearl Point traffic.. This is cute...