Tuesday, January 1, 2008

How is your new year eve and cOUNDdown like?

The chinese has a saying.. a good beginning is already half way the success. So it was not the real paradox here I think. Last year was really an outstanding year where I gone through an interesting new year eve which is not as what I have expected.. well, I tried my best not to repeat it as I demand myself some justice for a new year eve that I desired.

First the Karaoke session was cancelled, due to hellavu dramatic cast by few of our regular members. Well, ok ler... so long I don't grow fungus at home that will be fine. Yea. the plan was to go out to Genting Highlands. So what shall we do up there? I don't really know... I don't bother much either...

Therefore, upon got my notebook done ; we shoot up to Genting and had our dinner at Gohtong JaYA. So there is only 5 of us... Daniel and Chee Yen ; Derrick and Teresa ; Me and Myself. Oh..is that 6?

However, the jam begin slightly before Peace Haven.. which is the penalty we had to pay for not going up much early. We are at the bottleneck of it all. Took us ages to reach up there..Finally after much struggle, found a spot in Apartment Ria and walked our way through. Daniel and Chee Yen parked below after the Peace Haven. So they walked up as well..

Then we are just in the nick of time to witness the fireworks. Well, this year international fireworks had basically spoilt it all for me. There is no such element of surprises when you watch the fireworks... Whatever it is ...just tagged along lah.. Not too bad lah..is all that I can console myself..at least you actually witnessed a fireworks up in a cold mountain mah right.. hehe

No photos to show ler as the Mr. Chae has borrowed my camera for photos shooting ~ Benny wedding. I shall update Benny wedding in the weekend as the photos is not with me lah.

Well, after that, we bought some snacks and lepak outside lah. Then when it got bored, we went to First World lah..then Chee Yen leg pain, want to go back liao lu.. So pun balik lah..

I was left alone up at the Genting ler.. Daniel was asking for a lift back to their car lah.. Well, later only I found out the jam got even worst!! Damn!! So I am going to be a sitting duck...quack quack!! So they have to drive all the way up and start all over again from the bottom as the roads from Awana is now one way street ler. So it took more than an hour. I could imagine the burning sulfur redding of Derrick head..ahaha... pathetic..

So I walked around Genting like a pre-zombiefied creature.. peeping at ppl showing off their Initial D skills and examine the lastest trends of hairdo and fashion of the youngster. I grew tired ...so I called them several time. Teresa asked me to buy ice blended mocha or cuppocino...

Ice blended? ArE U sure?

Yea.. don't worry ..it will melt when it got into mR. Derrick the volcano eruptor..

So after they dropped them off... Teresa called asked said donno whether the gear box will give way or not..

ahaha... so easy meh.. Honda City wor...

After ten minutes, my phone rang.. yea..

" Sei lor! The car cannot move lah..Gear box give way"

Wow~ The omen is manifesting...

So I called Daniel to notify him of the calamity..

I walked down passed Ria and saw Chee Yen in her car. Ok..I couldn't be too far oredi. So after another 5 minutes walk, saw them lah.. Hmm... there we are.... in the middle of nowhere helplessly..

Hmm... only then did I see that the parking lot is not too far away ler.. Mr. Gan ...what were you thinking ah?

The theory of economic scales factor is this :-

From Ria apartment - chee yen + you walking down to take your car = 15 minutes the most and rendeZvous with her and balik... + 3 fellas drinking tea in Gohtong Jaya mamak @ talk cock.

The not so intelligent equation : -

$%$%#$%$#e%#$w - #$w##$w#$ + $#%$#w%w#$% x $%#$ - $#$# +#$@$@ ( #$#%) = $$@w * @$$@ +@$@$ + @$$@#W$%$#% .........

ok... now we all learn something here didn't here. Ok...let's promise ourselves be intelligent and empathy for the year 2008. ahahhaa... What a blessing in disguise ler...

Don't worry .. Mr. Derrick... Daniel has pledge to pay the tow truck money... I will pledge to replace you a gear box If it is the gear box problem lah...!!! Oh... you can have my Panzer gear box..ekekeke... The tanker gear box is ever solid..

So Michael of course being indebted got to drive them early in the morning to pick up their car lah. It was not until 12 pm that the tow truck came. A whopping RM450.00 for this ferrrari style towing... hmm...my panzer had never been tow before.. Did I say Panzer?

So the two pathetic fellas must be smart next time yea.. Get a Hyundai lah or Humvee....ahahaha

Dinner at Chia house for the first day of new year. I lost at least RM20 for the card session. There goes my MBO tickets * SOB SOB...

oK.. gotta hit the sack now.

well, keep the faith ler..

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