Monday, May 25, 2009

iT's Monday but I just have not the color for it..

It was really a usual day except for a customer from Kuala Terengganu just pop in like that.. yes.. just like that I tell you... so have to do lunch with him lor.. Tot of only fruits day today ler.. It turn out that I have dont to eat alone my with him. My two bosses were doing lunch as well. So what do you know.. I tolak half nasi to my clients and my boss lah..ahahah.. but still have to eat a bit lah.. else not giving face..

It turn out to be good for my evening swim as well. I wanted to run half an hour but the rain really forbid me from doing so.  Anyway, layaning the customer till 6 something also took off sometime already lor.. So what to do.. 

Proceed to swimming only lah.. It was a good swim lah.. at first thought wanna do 100 laps but time forbid today...Only could do 80 laps ania.. Been a long time since I do 80 laps liao.. It turn out to be good lah but the ketiak already suffer much...ahaha...

I am little tired now.. ciao