Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I wasn't fool today...hehe

This morning was indeed a beatiful one. I managed to woke up according to schedule and keep up with the plan. Wasn't sleepy anyway.

Lambelina called me from the airport thinking of sweet revenge in the early morning. ahaha... " Wah! U haven't sleep ah?"... "Yea.." " What did u do until now have sleep?" " i went fishing mah... Port klang.. %R^%...RM 110 for the fishing trip....what? Oh... I dunno lah...I learn first time... lotsa mosquitoes." There I kelentong my way as usual. cOOL! Anyway that paranoid believe in doomsayer...and doomsayer makes him happy.. He is also schadenfreude. refer to for the defination. So makes him happy with more roll of stacking chair. Kinda dissappointed perhaps can't get on to me.

Another weirdo is Wisky... She was kinda late.. I just came back from my regular routine when he strike the bell. Was into the GP Sepang thingy again. Claiming and insulting my authenticity...saying my blog phone picture was of plagarism...ptuii...

Well... back to work now.. Time to dislocate my pc cable..


  1. "This morning was indeed a beatiful one".... You mean the haze or your neighbour? hehe

  2. my neighbour.. she will regret for the rest of her life for not following the Lord's will!

  3. haha, now ur blog got spam liao...
