Friday, April 28, 2006

Oh My beloveth..where art thou?

My beloveth...
How I long for thee...
sleepless night.. My thought are not pervert or stain with thoughts of others before thee...
Oh..where are you my beloveth?
Are you across the ocean above the gracious sky?
Come to me my belove and be in union with me..
my soul shall become one and my heart melt like a pot of chocolate to confine to the rhythm of you soul..
Where are you my beloveth?
Have you forsaken me?
after much emprisonment across the other land.... Let me feel and ease your pain..

Come...hurry.. and be in the shelter and the refuge of my arms,.
I will be the fortress that shield thee from thy enemies...
a thousand will flight from the left..
a legion that wish to descend thee..
Fear not...behold...I am here...No one will touch thee...

Oh.. bila nak sampai ni?

1 comment:

  1. Wah Lao eh!!I wanna call u Si fu oredy!U can make a Poetry for yr lens le! How impressive!Like writing to some gals or somthing. Hak sei yan ah lu!!
