Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Unappreciative...thus said our DPM

So we got our DPM trying to make a clown of himself. 

Our PM Najib fler once mentioned about his father our former PM which make an effort to visit China when the rest of the SEA country still maintain miscommunication. So considered lah our Malaysia is the first to make the diplomatic tie with China at that era.. So when the Chinese Big gun came here for the meeting, he din visit the other flers in the current standing arena first... instead he visited the our late PM wife at her residence.. thus said Najib that chinese are a breed that remembered the good deed.. hmmm...

So Mr. DPM.. the question is.. are you talking about us Malaysian chinese that is not appreciative? Now, lets bear in mind and not cheat ourselves.Yes, someday if the collective agreement of majority in the country really have a common goal towards one Malaysia..fine..that is a great ideal...

until now the plowing of that work between inter culture has just begin at this amoeba stage..not even to speak about the infancy stage yet..we are after all still cari makan mah.. 

But dont we want more ?

Our DPM REALLY PUT A BULLET in his own head and cause the domino effect to our PM lah... how could you anchor this chinese not being appreciative to the current BN losses ler.. That is such a disgrace? What has the chinese done to deserve such disrespect lah? Come on man.. are you saying that BN is the really the tonggak pembina negara.. The rakyat is for Heaven sake..

We gave you the mandate.. should you do well and make us happy.. we will happily vote for you.. Open your eyes Mr. DPM...with all the things that happening..you are not dealing with it.. It is not an easy work after so many damages had been done.. 

Now bear in mind whatever that you cook up could backfire and affect you very very soon.

The ppl of Malaysia has not evolve to a makhluk that somehow got brain liao..brain to think... KeeP IT up mR. DPM before you lose it. 

I read previously about there were close to more than 200,000 of chinese migration...out of that figures also got other races that migrate as well lah.. I do not want to dwell into the other races which migrates..you figure it out yourselves. 

Now we had huge amount of chinese professional and those that in the hand for rebuilding the economic power in this country had choose for greener pasture. So are all these ppl unappreciative breeds.. Well, we know very well how good our country systems poise which contribute to certain insecurity in certain fields.. yes.. no doubt we at that time in one or two decades back does provide that space to groom this ppl. 

But again.. look at what two decades we could do if the one who have to power over this countries acknowledge earlier the interest group that could have help our countries.

Tepuk dada, tanya selera!! 

But that were two decades ago.. Most of them migrates.. then perhaps left some rotten testicles like me who could not quite make it lah.. only those like us no choice mah ..but to play the games in this country lah.. sadly the games in unfair and unequal advantage!! Yet we strieve...

yet the NEW generations that is to come is more powerful I believe if the current government really know what need to be done.. 

There are still lotsa grey area that is left unturn and some grey areas has been a crusade that is not questionables which results in its own drowning! 

By the way, let me recall about TV3 which I think are blardy foolish..every time there is a public holiday.. they will show lah how those foreign workers loiter in KLCC or some other places... What is wrong with that? You need their workforce.. and yet does it said that they cannot go to KLCC to lepak during the daytime? This is blardy facist and the racist supremacy only show it at a greater height.!!

We wants to make this countries into many hubs.. remind central of Islamic study...central of educational study for this regions.. yET...we always eat our own word.. especially the government controlled media which they deliberately think for us and speak for us..

Give us that media freedom... This media alteration is such a sins altogother.. especially the control of it.. Yes bias does exist...but hooliganism control is what it is all bout in the media..

wE salute you Bernama.. 

Time to think deeper and use our heads oh Malaysia ppl...

Lose lips sink ship... advise for the BN component government. 

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