Monday, April 13, 2009

Take it easy man...

Ok.. I think I had be conned by a website scam...

So guys becareful of this website 

Its a big time scammer!! 

So there goes my roadbike...

it hurts when losing the money...

It hurts even more when I come to realize I could not enter the PD trialthon...

Well, wait the minute... I still have my MTB...

So I rang out Koh to ask his opinion about joining the race with my MTB...

so I check out the average cut off time from the other website ..which could be doable for me I think.. Just that I need to make sure I finish my swim within 40 minutes...

Therefore, couple with shedding the extra pound real fast. There are few adjustment that is needed from my MTB..

First to change the tyre to 1.25 and perhaps the panaracer will do!! Time to change into clipless pedal and MTB shoe... well, hope that will help!!

Therefore I target will be :- 

45 mINUTEs for the swim
1 hours 45 minutes for the bike
1 hours 30 minutes for the run

So a total of 4 hours in the making...that is target lah...

Let's really see what is turn out to be yea!!

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