Tuesday, April 28, 2009

secondhand bike

I have been obssessively browsing bicyclebuysell since I want to look for a roadbike. However, these day it was really ridiculous as most of the sellers think that bicycles are such a hot commodity or it was an item like wine as it aged, it become more valuable. 

There are some that sell also way above the price of bicycle shop too.. most of it are complete bike lah...especially referring to roadbike. 

Lets say for example a merida 901 which sell at RM2100.... so what does it justify me to buy at RM1800 after it was one year old and eventhough it was new. It is only RM300 different.. and some of it also sendiri add this and that also rojak wanna fetch a great price.. So you will see the ad keep coming again. Unless those ppl who are not familiar with bike..then kena lah.. Sure there are cases. but majority ppl are wise to judge lah.. 

There is one super duper deal which the fler need money urgently ler.. I am looking for cases like that lah..ahahha :p ... 

So boil down to that...since the PD tri is months ahead.. so I will just diligently wait for a chancelah.. if not by september no choice has to get a new bike liao..sigh... which will put a hole in my pocket again...after all, it will be use for a long time anyway.. 

Anyway one urgently wanna sell ROadbike...? :p

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