Tuesday, April 7, 2009

New Training

My body is pacing its adjustment to this new weight for the past 3 weeks now.

The conditioning is good and moderation is good to adjust my metabolism. The good news is my metabolism rates has increase a little. Ahaha..

But the games suck big time.

So in few hours time will be my next motion plan for this month of April. 

I think I could very much surprise myself this time. 

No injury please...perhaps its time to seriously add the glucosamine into the supplement line up.. not being paranoid but being precautious... arrgggg..whatever it is ...I wanna go faster, stronger and higher lah... 


  1. My friend, be careful when you are on the road. I involved in a car accident when I rode bicycle to work from home almost 10 years ago, and nearly got myself killed! KL is not a place for cycling. So, BE CAREFUL!

  2. ahaha...thanks for your concern...that's why i dont ride to work ler... i only ride in low traffic area and early in the morning when ppl are still in dreamland..

  3. time to makan some calcium tablet liao...zinc and iron too..
