Monday, April 27, 2009

Monday Blues..

I didn't go to office today as I want to settle one more issue with my saman that forbid me from renewing my roadtax. So I called the lady at Ambank and said that there was a case back in 2002 which I need not attend to the court. This is Judge Boon here talking..I AM THE LAW... turn out to be now AYAM TELUR... 

So off I went to JPJ lah... then got the number but cannot oredi coz 15 minutes more to lunch time.. and there was no ppl there u know..ahaha.. wonderful..

So what did I do.. well, I sold my Emoblitz flash today.. lying around for ages which I hardly use also lah.. after that, I picked up Dinesh which need assistant as his car was in service center.. 

Then he followed me to JPJ... so my number oredi passed liao as it is 3 something liao mah.. So got into this damn small cubicle which is smaller than the confession box. So the officer in charge asked me whether I want to resaman.. or do I want to go appeal at the court.. I dont fucking care.. I just want to get on with it and paid my saman and get over it as soon as possible.

I was kind of blurr.. he said the saman payable is RM300.. I said can discount ah? then he said nanti dulu..then he said this one too long liao year 2002.. then he drifted off somewhere. I think he was "multi-tasking" at the same time. Got a phone call and was scribbling some details from someone which I do not want to go into details. Leave it to your imagination capacity. 

Then he was back to me again lah.. so he said whether do I want to appeal in court. I said I want to get over this quickly.. and he said he see what he can do.. but no promises.. but he said if can pay the saman, then pay.. if cannot then have to go court.. 

Well, he passed my case to the counter lady, within minutes.. I thought RM300 also pay lah no choice.. So she copped my paper KES SELESAI.. and said RM120.. then i paid and I was still blurr.. but I could understand later lah.. Maybe she forget to print the receipt.. Well, I leave room for benefit of doubt here... Anyway this is Bolehland.. I shall entertain no questionairre pertaining to this case over here :p

Hope I could get my road tax tomorrow....grrrr....

oH.. the best part is PD triathlon has been postponed to October. It leave me a very good time for training then. So hopefully I could grab a decent roadbike by then. 

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