Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Lets talk about some series

oK ..Watching series is very easy these day for me. Just a click away and less than one minutes, I am glued to the 24 inches.

Here are the series :-

I ran into 24 about 2 years back when a Japs fren of mine ask me to buy that time the lastest season 6. So in order for me to actually making sure those pieces of DVD are not defective... so I watch every single one of them..From them on, the marijuana kicks in. I chase back to season ONe....and going to work as a Jack Bauer. This is the longest day of my life. How interesting! So this new season is not as good as previous one IMHO but they tend to be some nice surprises. So every week wed nite I will wait for the new update...except for last week I was outstation..So I keep it on Saturday nite as a good reward. This unique counter terrorist that feature Keifer Sutherland is one of my favorite by far. CTU, Tony Amelda, Michelle, the banging of the steel as it feature the word 24...all this will run inside my head for a pretty long time. I think the casts of 24 are very good indeed or maybe being a counter terrorist movie really doesnt require a lot of different emotion. That much of a capacity... not much sense of humour...and intense moment. Go start 24 if you havent got into it yet...

Last week it was Earth day. Yea.. and the DJ in the radio station are pretending to be mother earth and talk to ppl who called in...it was a nice playrole as the DJ "motherearth" being very cheeky put you into one hellavu great laughter... So one nice one at the end was perhaps... How are you going to safe the earth.. how are you going to safe the world... as the DJ wrap up one of the call ...he said..Let safe the world.. safe the world ...safe the cheerleader...safe the cheerleader..safe the world.. I just could not resist this sudden spur of humour I tell you... Only when I got my 24 inches lately did I go and start season one.. actually I got it more than a year ago and I tell myself that I am going to start watching once I got my 24 inches.. and I did.. so again it was long marathon but not as crazy as 24. I took some sweet time to wallup it..
There are so much bad rumours about season 3 man.. but actually I kinda like it you know. I think it just got excited. I dont care about the debate being how flaw the characters had been.. to me the fun just got started. Perhaps my days of eclipse had stood still and never go away recently.. I begin to miss those moment but it is good to live a normal life.

I just click on the latest season of Las Vegas.. blardy pathetic.. Warrick the maggi hair character has to die. somebody has to die a patriot death somehow... I actually learn a few tricks from CSI in dealing with customer.. To be specific.. I learn from Jim Brass..

There is one time when a suspect was question by Jim Brass and the suspect begin to sing... So Jim Brass looked at him and said " Do I look like Paula Abdul to you?" Like it or not, the writer for CSI are ppl who could be so filled with sense of humour..dry or not.. I think they are the hippies wannabe if they were born a decade earlier. I just love every of those 70s or 80s songs that they retro in the movie..

ok.. I guess I got to stop blogging now..there are other matters to attend to..

1 comment:

  1. Heroes Season 1 is one of my best tv experiences ever. Tightly scripted, compelling characters, quality cinematography, slick pacing, etc. But forget about season 2 and 3 because they're just terrible, terrible stuff.

    Some recent tv series Shan and I have watched together:

    Lost (up to Season 4)
    Babylon 5 (all five seasons)
    Twin Peaks (both seasons)

    Currently watching 4400.
