Sunday, April 5, 2009

Genting Sempah ride ... killing me softly..

The earth has change it position now. The morning sun is up early now as the sunlight beam earlier at this month of the year. It's been almost a month since I ride Genting Sempah.

The ride was really really killing me softly.. on the way up, I could see lotsa small animals.. frogs, dogs, insects, cats... and much more animals was zap by the burning tyres of vehicles. And to one point.. I could see a flat tiny snakes body on the tarmac. Yea..poor little fler.. Hope I dont get to see snake.. yucks..for me..snake are so geli man.. 

Before you know it..I did see something curl at the sidewalk and the best part is it is moving a little bit.. as I turned my head and was a snake dude. About 30 cm long or more and perhaps about 1 cm in diameter.. I managed to warn Khor to hover to the right side of the road.. 

And one small tiny kuci pathetic monkey is trying to play with me...main garang..arrrggg...WTF!! 

There is a bunch of roadies from Klang today. There was this one particular uncles at 40's of ages panting to catch his group in front which had fled earlier on. He asked me where is the top ler.. I said 3kms more.. He said he is a rookie and even those klang- banting or klang - PD is not as torturous as this one. dude... this is what we call gravity man...the isaac newton's intelligence we are talking about here. Anyway, I am glad lah more and more elderly are picking up healthy sports rather than indulging in activities that robbed off and ripped apart their life. 

But still some wifey has issues with hubby riding bicycle.. ahaha.. 

But at least some good sleep yesterday really charge me up for this session. Only you feel it in your legs this time as it was rusty for a month already. 

wELL, still I managed to clock 1 hours 20 minutes. Yea.. however, this time as I am more familiar with the course and certain technical plan of riding the hill has been layout due to experience in congruence with know how of the place and the body adjustment. 

Guess the next few weeks I should be able to get on track again after few weeks of heavy loading of works!! 

The F1 for the first time I witnessed a total stop on the race. WOW!! The rain was sure heavy in Sepang.. I was hoping for more slipped off from the cars. But every drivers are being very cautious as they could registered tropical rain are not tha friendly. I was thinking...hmmm...Mr Khoo.. F1 without a finishing results...It should be bored to death yea... ahaha.. 

Night time managed to visit Derrick at Pantai hospital. Teresa for the past two days was admitted to Putrajaya hospital and discharge today..

Both flers had denggi man!!! You you can see who practise more cleanliness and hygiene here?!!! ahaha

Anyway, the pantai hospital now damn cun...even it is shared 4 persons in a get to have a tv of your own. Free wifi... PS3... OSIM massage chair.. nurses less than 20 years of age...pok pok chui!! Dont think they had boob job.. everyone are so natural. 

Derrick said should be all are natural. I asked how you know.. well, when they bend down to changes his tubing.. they just purposedly rubbed against his chest and his hand.. He said no silicone wor... 

tHIS Is really terror!!

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