Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A day of reckoning.. how I wish it wasnt true

Tough day for me as I need to pay up lotsa thing...

First blow is the con website job..

Then now is ownself padan muka lah.. my saman list panjang.. My new Saga 5 pcs... old Iswara 12 pieces...of course the old Iswara is not just my contribution alone lah. 

So I cant renew my roadtax so I have to pakai shortcut to get discount as the amount is unbearable.. Off to Bukit Aman ... then some cannot get discount ler.. so a sum of RM1480.00... 

That could earned me a very decent holiday and a few years old good roadbike.. All down the drain.. and couple with this month car insurance, road tax and monthly installment... 

I am a broke man this month.. ahaha..

So you can see I am not the type that bribe the cops and never will. So somehow it teach me to be a more responsible driver...:p 

Well, today finally ex-colleague bought a merida 903 road bike lah....oooo... how I wish it was mine...

I am still hunting for a second hand stuff..

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear that. That really suck. See you this friday at PCM?
