Sunday, April 26, 2009


* iN Rome, do what the romans do...

i was away for Terengganu for few days for machine installation and training. Nothing much to do except for loiter in the exhibitions while the eager customers are all out to promote and make some $$$ from the carnival.. Well, I have to follow the game plan and not until midnite do I went back to hotel and sleep.

So on Saturday, I intend to leave K.T. at 3pm and the customer insist of taking me for sotong goreng tepung by the seaside... Well, not until 6pm only I was able to depart back to KL lah...

So the road to Kuala Berang and heading towards Kuantan was approx 170 - 180km... I was riding fast and miss the junction at one point.. silly me....then most of the time clear off the lorries and was flying 130 in these old trunk road.. well, is it the Iswara Sedan that is good or just plain me has been able to slow down time and speed with my radical sight again..further improvement.

Well, not too long when i was getting dark after 8pm, i saw a car that parked at the side and there was a cow that was hit and down by the road side. .Poor fler... pukul berapa sudah tak mau balik...

Wow, I was thinking I got to slow down a bit before I hit one.. So upon some less visibilty slope and corner... I grabbed the brake a little.... wow there were indeed some cows still by the roadside.. are they following city lifestyle and sacrifice their quality time at home?

Then after another 15 mins of ride..I was tailing two cars for about few minutes..and I maintain some distance to avoid unnescassrry collision.. So there was this soft the two cars just main momentum and passby...there was this stipud cow... yea...damn bloody stupid cow actually begins to cross the road.. You are not invicible or Michael Johnson dude... I was so damn luckily that the other side of the road was empty with the car from opposite direction are still far away... I managed to make clearance over the opposite traffic side road... Damn stupid cow which almost cost me anything.. It was a really close shave..

Well, now begin to chew on it..until the cows come home.... now that is something that I could begin to understand the meaning of the ancient clause...

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