Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What a morning..

I could only slept at 11.15pm and woke up at 3.00am. That is the peril and the price for me when I start to maintain a long period of exercise. Should I couple with a good healthy diet. 4 1/2 to 5 hours sleep max in a day plus at least one 7 - 8 hours sleep in a week in one of the day. I cant seems to comprehend and that is how my body works.

Anyway, I think I need to readjust some night calming effect for a better sleep. Physically sometime I had enuff rest but the head brainwave is still beta gamma itself... whatever it is I am adjusting now. So I am readjusting my methodology for trainings. Some works and some just seems to be not a the right time or not useful at work. Workout intelligently is important to obtain the goals and couple with much fun of course. We dont want to kill ourselves too much in the process do we? wHILE sometime there are few dying to self as well..wahaha...

This morning I had a punctured again ...and hell it was in Kepong area.. I had to walked the bike for some distance before I could get a cab. Some cabby do not want to stop at all. Some after passing me by and slam the brake and looking at the rear mirror to see a weirdo in bike is trying to get a cab. Then came one old indian uncle with his new Saga lah.. Wow.. with the NGV..cannot lah totally. .So do not want to dirty his new car also ler.. Sorry mate..

So in order for me to get a cab.. I took off both wheels and start to carry the frame in one hand and the tyres in the other hand. There was this lady with the hubby I think going to work and stop at the traffic light looking at me.. That was like 5.50 oredi.

Somehow a good sanmaritan did stop for me lah. Yea.. the Iswara is big enuff but due to the fork that is juggling out, he need to tie it and half close the booth.. hmm.. somehow this uncle never seems to hesitate a bit. He was like ok with it ania.. wonder does he ride a bike too..

So eventually the conversation did strike lah seeing such unfortune that occur to me. So uncle ask your bike must be very expensive one hor... Okayraaaa...

cabby uncle : My son also bought one. Second hand somemore. oredi 3K plus.. Previously he bought 1k plus and sell it away..

* uNCle your son dont want to give you heart attack thats why he told u 3k plus ania.. I told my dad my initial stolen bike was thousand plus in a very quiet tone..

cabby uncle : He always cycle. Cycle to PD.. Yesterday was raining cat and dog..and before that he told me it wont rain one. Dont know where he goes in such a heavy rain.

me : how old is your son uncle?

Cabby uncle : 30 years old.

me: married?

Cabby uncle : No.. I also dont understand him. Lotsa gals come look for him even come to the doorstep also.

*hmmm.. I also ride bike also 30 OVER years old.. how come nobody come to my doorstep?

Anyway, it was a fun conversation with the cabby uncle.

So today, after so many time procastinate... I am going to get myself a mini bicycle pump... a spare tube and the cungkil on board.... That is an oath I had just sworn.

Damn, I miss two days training oredi.. hujan in the morning...hujan at nite.. blame it on the weatherman..

I almost has this crazy idea... Rain or shine we ride!! But yesterday nite the thundercats was blasting heavily ler.. rain or shine? well, on second thought....

I am going dark today to prevent unneccessary disturbance. I really need time for my own to study the new DTG viper.. drop me an sms if you want to reach me.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tip dude. I was thinking how to patch it also to safe some $$$. I was thinking about carrying two tubes as well. Now you confirm it..ahaha...wow..where did u cycle lah to get that kinda puncture?
