Thursday, March 19, 2009

The next level..

It didnt rain as it suppose to be like last week. I was eager for run and ride last week but that dint materialise. Nature took over me and I let it be. you could after all overcome it you know except that you could not be strike by lightning for 7 times. 

However, due to the tight schedule and highly self-inflicted pressure on myself, I was carried away and not ride and run. But that is going to change..

Because ...I had come through the first level in solving the DTG  Viper problem. 

At least now I know what could and what could not be solve at this moment. I am hoping for a breakthrough real soon. Yup, I had began to start printing this afternoon and it was kinda fun to see it in action. So now I can breath a little easier. :0) 

It's Friday already. How I wish if I could bend time and space. 

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