Sunday, March 1, 2009

Genting Sempah Ride this morning.. Solo

* aS i was driving to JHEOA hospital area.. seens this pelonton group riding up ler.. 

kOH my bike seller fler dint ride today as he rode yesterday. He need to send a bike which the customer bought lah. 

So Kuan - who the hell is Kuan anyway?? ahjahaha...actually called me up yesterday and ask me to ride Genting Sempah.. By the time I reach there.. they had left liao.. woke up at 6:50 this morning and reach Genting Sempah oredi 7:35.. 

So I rode all alone by myself. It was not a bad ride and damn almost a monkey wanna attack me as a solo rider. But that fler dint ler..ahaha.. Today I clock the same time as last week again. However, the fatigue has gone down a lot. I hope this to improve real soon. So while on the way down, I met saw a group of familiar faces..It was Kuan and the gang. fler had puncture at the same time. So I managed to ride with them on the way down. At least not so boring.. can talk cock and ride. 

First time also we had mamak at that JHEOA area. Usually Koh was in a hurry to open his shop. Today there were lotsa group riding up the hill. Some Mat Salleh flers also ler.. must be some seasonal expat ler..see the way they eat roti canai malaysian liao.. So they left about 10 minutes and when I was on the way to meet Lam at Manjalara..They were at rear end of the MRR2 bridge headed to Manjalara liao. Terror shit. You see!! Somemore riding bicycle is quite fast ler.. ahahaha...

I had massage with Lam this morning. I switch from my usual massseur to this one that did me last week. She was strong enough and no nonsense talking ler.. ahaha.. She kept singing only and good keep it that I dont have to layan... bad ler.. 

Well, today finally I get to feel the different between my old crankset with the XT one..hmm.. ada beza..still the initial kickstart is faster thus save some energy on that.. prolly the Hallowtech ler.. Other than that is the smoother ride which you feel its like kinda gliding and not the chain circling motion feeling. Yet to figure out more ler. 

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