Thursday, March 12, 2009


* I bought this today under leveraging scheme ahahah. The viewsonic 24 inches monitor with HDMI full HD ler. with the 2ms fast respond definitely it is for gaming lah. But I want something for photography editing ler.. but Adobe RGB monitor is the answer ...cost so so so much more.. Wonder does Samsung has the adobe RGB monitor built oredi or not.. that was like few years ago news. I always wanted a 24inches LER.. that could be trace back more than a year ago, constantly I was tracing the price which does not drop below than 1k.. Finally lah..

But having a 24inches was kinda weird with it long size.. just like how I felt weird with the 22inches those day.. So my dad is getting the 22 inches from me now with his new pc lah..ahaha... It was so radical that I had to pull it back a little bit to get a real comfortable view. 

however, due to my pc was accelarate on the mainboard for graphic.. I have no choice but to upgrade myself a decent nvidia 8400GS super graphic which come up to sizeable price tag.. and the best part is nobody call me for the tv ad.. guess it is kaput oredi.. tomorrow is the wardrobe liao.. sigh.. 

So I am running the monitor with the HDMI cable via graphic card.. Any different.. well, hard to tell now.. as compare previous monitor only 2000 contrast and this one is 20000 liao. But I do realize the saturation of the colour is slightly more with the HDMI output lah. I am real big spender this month. Anyway, it is still under very very budget scope. 
So I was saying about my problem last Saturday on my sEtapak - klang jetty - Setapak ride which didnt materialise.. The culprit is the chain lah.. 

The chain was keeping on slipping when during gear change and causes the gigi to bang against one of the chain.. causing it to dent and could not bend as usual. So my shop fler kasi potong this kerat in the photo lah. Well, the real mole behind this is too much of a grease and oiling to the chain. Due to recent rainy weather, the sand that stick together with the grease has cause the gear changing problem and damages the chain. So try not too put to much oiling next time. 

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