Monday, March 9, 2009

Derrick BIRdday..

* so nice wor  heart shape cake.
* oUR own private room... as monkey as we want!! 
* nICE SIMple lighting
* All the food pics below are shoot by Hong Chae.. now more Chae Kin Hoong.. Hoong Chae now..ahaha.. using his beloveth A700 to shoot ler.. and much of it with my lens lah....:p Anyway, this one ice aje lebih.
* nice one.. 
*Ahahaha.. ini CSS punya ..
* Not too bad a nutty creamy fried chicken.
i never tot foh long gor prawn salad could be this good. 
tHIS vege also not bad.. 
but this bloody sushi sucks big time!! 
Lemon juice anyone?
some salad bar.. dressing to perfection.
* Feeling cafe cannot drink meh..? must drink here meh?

So Saturday was Derrick's early birthday celebration lah.. Anyway, few years back he was so surprise that I sent him a birthday wishes.. wondering how come I could remember his Birthday so well lah...ahahaha.. else we have load of "diversive" opinions. 

I finally get a chance to dine in Pavillion. There were also other nice restaurant around as well. Not too bad.. The food are unique.. wonder why Mr. Chae din post some of the other food photos ler.. 

The bill came up to thousand over $$$.. Luckily lah I know "someone" who could give us that 50% discount!! Ahem*

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