Sunday, February 8, 2009

you REALLY gotta be curious..

We had a great ride at Genting Sempah yesterday and the ride was a good one. I could scored 70% of the time at the target zone of 130 - 150 BPM. I am glad at the overall improvement and hope to see a great deal of slashing out of minutes in weeks to come. That is something I think I could put my hand on. 

Going home still have the rush blood in my vein.. I could not really rest to recover. The body is still adjusting itself. Not until today that I begin to feel a new level of fitness is about to take place. It still far but the stepping stone has been plaudable. 

Anyway, I anticipate the Curious case of Benjamin Button for a long time. I know I need not rush to this movie but definitely it could be a perfect movie for a Sunday afternoon. Yes, 5.oo pm is the movie and I mistaken it for 5.15PM..or did I?

So I was almost 15 minutes late, so by the time I was in the cinema... baby Benjamin was chuck on the stairway with curious Auntie Daisy watched in amazement~~!!

Well, you know what...!! Literally everyone love the movie in the show.. The harmonious laughter were truly contagious.. 

As the film begin to wrap up.. the name David Fincher appeared. I only had the unutter respect.. seems like the name is glowing sparkling in flame.. You have make my day. I watched David's interviewed in AXN few days ago. I am puzzled at his answer. He said he encourage people to watch it a few more time again if possible. I always seems to be rather distasteful to watch the same show in the cinema twice. But this one I will have no doubt watching again. .Perhaps catching the first 15 minutes back again. 

When was the last time I watched a movie that was so attentive and so mesmerizing and so warmth and comfort? I could hardly recall. This movie will be a long long time be label as that. 

Nothing seems flawless..even it is flawless, the movie has make the beauty out of it. Yet, it is hardly perceivable not to mention forgivable. 

The score prices of the musics has to be perfect. This whoever French composer that did the score knew very well the intelligent of it. It's powerful emotion yet so sublime is the music that you want to be soak again and again. 

The movie also employ contour photography system. I had read about this sometime ago and Steve Perlman which is the mastermind behind the system said it all. For a moment, I try to understand what contour photography system could be all about.. it itself could be the new essence in filmmaking for lotsa movie to come. Steve could not cease to amaze me with his work through out the year. I don't think he really enjoy the limelight as much as some do.. but you could know he has this so precise visions and passion of what multimedia ought to be in setting the standard. 

The movie does get 12 nomination of course. Much of Spielberg movies does get nominations and not win in the early day. But these day who really care.. 

" Have i ever told you that I was strike by lightning for seven times?" it's fuckin' hilarious at the right time. 

oh... you could never thought how a crappy ship sunk the u-boat.

Oh.. and that incident which we always thought... if only we were 5 minutes earlier.. or that bus din make the turn at that moment..such mishap will not happen... well, this movie you get the full version of it in dismantling the bling bling in a spur of a moment. 

Everyone literally get a piece of themselves in the movie. It's not as provoking but humourous to make you ponder lah. 

Put your dime on this movie even you have to quit that pack of ciggie or meals for today. It will last you a few days of sheer deepshore joy.. 


  1. u watched at galaxie again arr? how come din see u one? me n css oso in the same cinema watching benjamin and daisy bercinta wor...kekekekke

  2. ahaha... you want to see who my date again ah?? keep on dreaming lah both of u...

  3. Good night, Benjamin....opps, Kien Boon....kekekekkekeke

  4. Daisy Wong, do I have to sleep on the wheelchair upstair with the rest of the snoring kickdabucketsoon?
