Friday, February 6, 2009

Mental Block

I am trying to blog...trying hard. Nothing comes up... Then out of the spur.. a silence broke.. it was somebody quarrel ler behind my house block.. Living in terrace houses are like that one... Lotsa drama sometime once in awhile. However my neighbourhood are rather a quiet one. The next door neighbour are new.. The one in front also new. We never spoke to each other. That is very pathetic city life now. 

Everyone doesn't fuckin' care about each other, especially the chinese community. You knows if some mishap like robbery or snatch thief.. this street jangan nak harap ler... well, in the malay community is rather different lah. They somehow are more helpful in time of trouble. I do not know about now.. but generally that is the impression so far. .Perhaps those orang kaya melayu also different mindset..those with different education background one. 

I worked in a company where we are more than just 3 multi-racial lah.. The bangla..Myanmar...Nepalese filled the productions line. I am glad lah there is no racism so far.. yup, natural selection does exist and it wont go away due to other factors in the working environment. 

We are one nations that live harmoniously yet perculiarly we dont know nuts about each other culture well enough in general I mean. Each races are born to be feel they are more superior in their own ways. That is excusable? I do not know. Yes, we all have our strength and weaknesses. However, we have not come to the extend of appreciations for each other culture in a very define details yet. This is bloody sad in certain measures. 

We kisah very much to maintain that harmony because of cari makan. yes, CARI makan that also conglomerate some of the groups of races together. 

It is sad that in my generation..which I am at my 30's now.. my generations only live out in the mediocrity of getting to know each other better. 

I am talking about different and indifferences! 

When I was in Haadyai on the eight day of the CNY, it was a joyous occasions to see lotsa parade on the roads.. To my surprise, lots of Thai themselves have joined in the procession and their version of Lion dance and cultural presentation. It was something interesting to see and feel. 

While I was in the BIG C toilet.. the Thai version of Tesco and Carrefour...  the new BIG C has a very proper place for the muslims for their prayers and I see that the muslims dwell together to do business..especially the hawkers stall. You have few stalls that sell mostly Thai and chinese food and in between there is one stall by the muslims lady that sell fried sotong and fried chickens. I think the government of Sadao districts does come quickly to get to the mole of the problems. Politically it has gain a majority here. 

Now while we were doing the island hopping, there were this white man with her gf.. he is about the size of mine..just that his heart is not the size of mine. Weirdo.. despise the Asian I think. Didn't smile at us and later he only talk to the french guy and his gf. I would not want to conclude any racism here maybe he had some bad experiences with the Asian and that is partially excusable until he learn the other scope of life..

Can you imagine the whole islands hopping trip.. his face is like that of a bulldog. His gf also had to not be herself and adjourn to his behavior. Ini hidup banyak susah for this type of people man!! 

What's is your window to the perception of the world? 

What chain you or isolate you or eats inside of you?

Give yourself a break....

Oh.. talk about that.. I was watching the news.. our perhaps soon to be PM was with her wife attending some functions.. 

Immediately she really reminds me of Imelda Marcos.. or perhaps more powerful than that!!

May God spare us all please! 

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