Monday, February 16, 2009

Le Tour Langkawi 2009 ~ klcC area pics.

*So this blue car with sHImano word hovering the lead. 
* I had never shoot across the street. So here it is... 
* thIS fler terror man.. standing up from behind to get us all the live juicy update.
* A lady thought that lying down and shooting was rather funny. .sO she took a shoot and before that including me. 
* I start with the 1/100 second shoot lah... The effect is not that promising.. sO b&w IT.
* RIDErs.
* tHE japs in their pinky attire. sO COOL.. Maybe to boost the current economic spirit.. to be cheerful.
* Riders.
* sEMI Polarise.
full polarise...
* wave curve semi polarise. 
* tHIS fella video them in such a low angle.. wonder how dynamic the video gonna be. 
* ADA proton sponsor this dude. 
* kElompok!!
* Kelompok lagi.
* i NOTice this fella have a very different posture of riding. he seems so relax.
* Kayuh jangan tak kayuh!
* Malaysia Boleh!
* Mat saLLEH tak tahan panas ni. 
* See the japs attire and their bike.. shiny!
* Malaysia lagi!! 
* i has respect for this fler... that cam is so damn heavy dude.. how has he endure such...
* This is how cameraman lay down to capture pics lah.. langgar mesti tergolek.. 
* 1/10 motion capture. 
Lotsa the pics are ISO 800 lah.. sONY flash 56AM kadang kadang mau tak mau ler.. 
* Crowds awaits for another session of the wave ride. 
* This uncle and his son sure enjoy kaw kaw!
* SYT watching.
* Hope I could capture some crash someday..ahaha. .without me crashing lah..
* distraction from the other side of the road.
* Last but still running.
* The uncle in cap with monopod uses the LUMIX lah.. I wonder what's the monopod for.. quite smart that fella.. He actually pull his monopod above those riders and shoot an aerial view.. pandai!!
* cRowds waiting.
* that BABy sucking from the bottle so cute! 
*Coming.. and bystander offer bottle. 
* see THIS ANOTHER fler who has time to give a ngan yin hand posture.. cool!!
*  ahaha.. he managed to grab a bottle. 
* Has to slow down for a drink.
* SLOW ALso slow lah..janji air! 
* Red one is China riders. 
* Security guard also cannot resist the race.. Time to rob at sight.. 
* Can play play with the kids first. 
* cOME ON bABY U CAN DO it! 
* yEA... last wave...I can tapau...
* Dua ringgit ...! 
* Look like shah rukh khan in the glasses.. 
* I got a souvenir from this Garmin fler!! tHAanks..
* Here my chance to own a roadie :p 
* Distraction no. 2.. anyway she was ready for me to snap.
* The night outlet areas.. 
* tHE leader. 
* tHRow stones can?
* Race dude! 
Jalan Sultan Ismail last lap.
* I think this year the rider are not as fast as previous one on the last lap.
* RACE on.
* Ride.. 
* here another pinky japs slightly behind. 
* mALAYSIA boleh lagi!! 
* Hmmm...if only someone can carried me ler.. ahaha
* So the last of the lap..the cops will gang up and go to dataran... hope they could take opportunity to race one round too. 
* HERe's my souvenir lah from that angmoh.. some sport drink.. 

hEre is the Sunday LTDL race pics.. this morning had my second morning ride.. Shitty to start at 5.30am...these day 6.00 am oredi highway full of cars!! Damn..So tomorrow I had to wake up earlier. Too much air in my tyre too. Punture liao.. 


  1. Nice and cool photos.Thanks for sharing.

  2. nice shoot aaa boon! siowww laaa rugi tak pegi..

  3. Nice photos. :) By the way, the guy is yellow jersey won General Individual Classification on Time at Genting, Stage 5. That explain why the shirt had Proton logo on it. :P
