Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Kiss the rain

The alarm strike 4:15 and shit I was loading this and that..and by the time I left was already 4:47am.. WTH.. so this is no good. I will prepare everything early tomorrow. 

Well, I hardly caught in the rain during my ride and when the frequency is tight in your riding. You can't escape it. Yes, this is D-Day. Lucky it was only start to dwizzling and got heavy when I was at Carrefour Kepong.. shit load of it.. arrrggg.. by the time I was in Sentul I was just the rain man.. the weather man done it all. 

Whatever it is..riding in the rain is kinda fun.. Kinda bring back good memories of the old... huhuhu.. Yet you practically have to be more aware of the surrounding such as ride with a brighter shirts and also do remember to keep the bling bling on all the time and check it whether it is still functioning from time to time. 

Today also I start to pick up L-Carnatine again and though it is not scientifically proven but hell its work for me before. So lets see how does it fair. 

L-Carnitine pre-ride and endurox R4 after ride.. I think its a good so far... Hope its could yield some results by end of this week. 

oH.. should you wanna ride ..ride early I reckon should you want a good solid hour ride. 5am should be fine and by the time you reach home.. you could ignore decent traffic along the way. Oh..that piece of 2 cents tot is for city rider like us. 

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