Wednesday, February 4, 2009

iNI hari balik kerja..

suppose to be back to work on tuesday..something kelakar happen lah at the end of the krabi holiday... spare it later baru cerita.. 

aNYway, time to get back to routine again and setup some rather intense cycling fun. 

Hmmm, ape nak cerite ni? Ok.. just finish le high school classmate gathering.. 14 ppl turn up ania.. 4 males and the rest females.. ahaha.. okaaayraaa... a real big surprise is to see Ho Pik Hwa suddenly at the back of me giving me a surprise.. she came back from the US from CNY lah.. and Wee Kiat also came back from Shanghai.. and I just came out from Setapak to join the gathering at Overseas restaurant. Quite a pasar malam talk talk talk shit lah... But good to play catch up.. 

Well, the CNY eve, my relatives all came to my house lah for the reunion dinner.. dunno what crap my mum cook lah.. food all got so many leftover. CNY first four day went and visit my frens and makan makan talk cock and @#$@#$#@^..... minus the gambling.. this year cannot gamble.. ahaha..

Then fourth day is interesting as I had another round of reunion with my relatives and my youngest aunt who got married to Klang. We had seafood dinner in Klang. It was rather funlah.. Of all these playing catch up... ppl asking me nonstop ler about my Uncle Choi thingy. How I got the role lah? What u did lah? How much you get lah? It's kinda like cassette recorder playing all over again....  

Anyway, I am still very happy that I still have these bunch of good uncles and aunties that I am truly indebted too. They are really good and sincere people and I am really happy and proud of them. They have encourage me and stand by me so far. AM really grateful to have them!

They are sometime the reasons that put a sparkle to my CNY lah. 

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