Monday, February 16, 2009

Ini dia.....penyelamat...

So I did start to run again and was preparing ler.. ahaha.. I had not been condition for run and I hate the feeling of getting back to muscle soreness and blister shit couple with my super duper heavy weight. 

I chk with Dinesh who had run 4 marathons and twenty over half marathons and see what he did for speedy recovery. Last time there were lotsa macam macam ideas ler..plum juice..blah blah.. But then... He said he picked up this Endurox R4 that is recommended by his runner's friend and during the long run...he never has muscle soreness the next day as well. 

hmmm this has to be good for such fast speedy recovery. Well, it wasn't really proven yet.. but WTH.. I need it for my aging body to recondition as fast as possible. It was available at GNC now with buy one free one for member. Oh..I hate GNC sutf as the price is really skyrocket to the max. But every dog has it day.. Mine is this but with a noble task to justify it cause. The price is now 199.90 with free another one. So I pick this one up with the fruit punch flavor.. Hmm.. I love the flavor. Nice...but it is still expensive.. so I have to be thift on spending it and hope to be able to last for 6 weeks lah... :p

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