Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Funny phone conversations

This morning my department colleagues were talking about seeing ghosts in the office and especially where our printing department is. Well, you know, the one we are doing the printing use to be the clinic surgery theatre and treating patients. All kinda shit you here lah. Last time also this place is quite mellow one and after renovation it's totally different. For me as long as I get rid myself from the bosses who smoke is more than enough already. Who care about ghost.. Well, I had done late printing at this area but has not seen anything yet..prolly the next door was the embroidery department which run 24 hours and the glass which we could peep at each other. 

So nothing for me so far.. before this I had few weird noises encounter upstair lah. Then the stories goes the next door embroidery bangla and nepalese actually saw figures walking by and blah blah.. so much of such thingy.. I just don't give a damn lah. 

Then in the afternoon after lunch my graphic designer call it on MC and she was sakit perut. At 2.05pm I received a phone call : - 

Kiak : " Boon! Where are you Boon? "  * This is his standard line when he strike a conversation with me. He is a male...Jantan. 

Me : " I am near here.. Anything I can help ?" 

Kiak : " You know .. I am a bit scared! Scared ghost." 

Mahkahai!! 2.00PM in the afternoon and there are so many people in the office next door and at the front reception. Even if you saw the long hair ahmoi with blazing red tongue.. you could scream as loud as you want lah.. and ppl could still pull the lady ghost hair and rescue you. Oh.. only the lady will pull the hair.. its their gene.. the bangla might grab its head and cut the tongue that try to strangle you to death!! 

Then late evening I was talking to my boss about payment to supplier...and soon there is a customer that pop by that I had to attend downstair..

So as I was attending to the customers downstair after 10 minutes.. Boss began to call me lah and he was giving some opinion how to do the pull-push negotiation technique with the Japs. 

Boss: " Boon.. You try to talk to Australia on this issues on our machine defects and try to get the credit note. What do you think?"

I was busy layaning the customer so I said " OK.. but how do you want to go about it?"

Boss" Ok. In that case... we blah blah blah" 

Me : " Then blah blah "

Boss : " I dont know lah..but we cannot let them just blah blah... " 

then out of a sudden ...

Boss : " Fuyoo.. I just avoided a motorbike...niamah $#@%#@$%$#.. .. Luckily I was managed to avoid that fler.. Luckily I got 20 over years of experience in driving.. Somemore I was driving with one hand.." At this point of time he was laughing syiok sendiri.. " I am so good in driving and blah blah blah... " 

So he brag lah about his driving skills terror.. Anyway he was quite good at driving lah. So this is rather funny and the best part the conversation end him bragging about his driving skills without and concret outcome on previous discussion.

Oh.. My so called Pain in the ass colleague in the same deparment is back. We now label him as Managing Director.  This guy could not just see me making it well ler. So recently boss dint ask me out for lunch ler.. For me that is better ler... Slip talking cocks and all the unnessecarry grapevine that does not help at all. 

So after lunch time  he saw me in the office and strike his S.O.B. conversation : " Eh..Mr. Chia didn't ask you to join him for lunch meh?" 

Apparently there is a nice sweet lady dont know from where ler.. 

No I answer lah... 

The asshole : " These day I notice Mr. Chia didn't ask you out for lunch. Why? Is there something ah?" 

This one has three phrase with it.. Paranoid Fuckin' Retard!! 

You know there are so many this kinda assholes in the world that could not see you live peacefully and waiting to add salt when you caught the would or hammer you hard when you are down. I could be very evil but that's just not me. So hopefully whatever what goes around comes around apply here to him. I just could not waste time on this petty stuff. 

oH.. my rear tube tyres give up again. So this is two tubing gone in two weeks. Yong change a much harder tyres protective for both rims now and hope there is nothing gonna give trouble lah.. 

Ok.. Got to get some early rest for tomorrow ride and post of Krabi pics hopefully on weekend.. :p 

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